Saturday, March 9, 2019

Mayak Eggs or Korean Marinated Eggs

My sister boils and marinates  spectacular eggs. If you a fan of boiled eggs, read on with much appreciation. If you are not, know you should make the effort as these eggs are truly delicious. Her recipe come from Sikandalous, a Facebook group for food lovers.

The original recipe calls for soft boiled eggs, with runny yolks. Though I do like runny yolks on occasion, the hard boiled variety is more to my liking. So eggs are boiled for 6 minutes and left to steep for another ten in the warm water. A short soak in cold water allows the shells to peel effortlessly. 

Both dark and light soy sauces are poured into a glass bowl. Glass so the sauce doesn't react with metal.  Lots of finely chopped garlic, green and red chiles and scallions are added to the sauces. Green chiles give the sauce a spicy kick. A drizzle of honey and a whopping tablespoon of toasted sesame seeds add flavor. Whole eggs go into the marinade. Allow the eggs to sit for five to six hours before you use them. Better still is an overnight bath, resulting in a deeper flavor. The eggs can last up to a week in the fridge. The longer the eggs marinate, the darker the white parts. Today's eggs are a week old.

I love the versatility of these eggs. White rice is just one base. They've gone into grain bowls sitting alongside roasted veggies over farro. They make a very different egg salad. Munch on them for a healthy protein breakfast. Do what you will with them! It's all good.

Serves 4-6

6 Eggs
2 tablespoons Dark Soy Sauce
1/3 cup Light Soy Sauce
3-4 Green Chiles
2 Dried Red Chiles
2 tablespoons minced Garlic
3 Scallions
1 teaspoon Honey
1 heaped tablespoon toasted Sesame Seeds
1/4 cup Water

Sesame Oil
Cooked White Rice

Boil eggs for six minutes in plenty of water. Turn flame off, cover eggs and leave for 10 minutes. Drain eggs and soak in cold water for 15 minutes. Peel and leave eggs whole.

Prepare marinade by mixing soy sauces in a glass bowl. 

Slice green chiles and scallions thinly. Add to soy sauces.

Crumble red chiles into small bits. Add to soy sauces.

Add minced garlic, honey, sesame seeds and water to bowl. Mix well. 

Drop whole eggs in to the bowl. Cover and refrigerate for 5-6 hours. Overnight is best. 

Mound some warm rice on a plate. 

Drizzle a little of the marinade over rice. Be sure to spoon chiles and scallions over rice.

Cut the eggs in half and nestle over rice.

Drizzle a little sesame oil over eggs and rice.

Top with fresh cilantro and enjoy.

We love them with rice. We love them plain.... we love them any which way!

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