Monday, May 9, 2022

Custard Apple Ice Cream


This might be taking parcel food a tad too far, but I cannot resist sending ice cream back for Madeleine's husband Keith. She tells me that he loves sitaphul or custard apple, the flavor of the ice cream I make for her. So I spoon some into a ziploc bag and she carries it in her baggage back to Houston!

I love sitaphul too. So when I discover frozen pulp at the Indian store, I pounce on it. Fresh custard apples are prohibitively expensive in the US, the quality and size available rather abysmal. My unmitigated joy at finding delicious, easily available pulp is one I want to share with the few souls who love this exotic fruit. 

In India the season stretches from September to late December. But for us emigrees, frozen pulp that can be bought three hundred and sixty five days of the year, is sheer magic. 

Ice cream is best made with fresh fruit. Use it if you can. Milk is boiled for a short bit. Sugar, condensed milk and defrosted pulp give the ice cream body and soul. The freezer does the trick. I will soft churn on my next attempt. But this suffices for now. 


Serves 6

3 cups whole or 2% Milk

1/2 cup Sugar

2 1/2 cups Custard Apple Pulp, fresh or frozen

1 14oz can Condensed Milk

Defrost pulp if using frozen pulp. 

Bring milk to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. 

Add sugar and simmer till sugar is dissolved. Cool milk for 10 minutes. 

Add pulp and condensed milk to milk. Mix well. 

At this point you could use an ice cream maker if you wish. 

Pour the milk into a freezer proof container with a tight lid. 

Freeze till firm. 

Scoop some and relish that exquisite flavor.

Madeleine refreezes the ice cream. They enjoy some over dinner and Keith is a happy man!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds easy. Must give it a try. I love Sitaphal icecream from Natural Icecream, Mumbai
