Monday, October 5, 2020

Cauliflower with Chile and Garam Masala

The legacy of a chef lives on forever. Floyd Cardoz, chef extraordinaire, leaves behind not only a larger-than-life persona, but also a family who wants to share his love of Indian foods with the world. Barkha, his wife, together with Burlap and Barrel, connects the dots with three distinctive masalas. A fragrant Kashmiri mix, a powerful Garam masala and veritably Floyd's heritage, a zesty Goan masala. Each one different, each a statement to his roots, the country he grew up in, to the family that shaped his palate and also Barkha whom he shared his life with, who now lovingly assembles his legacy.

Today's choice is garam masala. As I open the bottle I am assailed by the rich aroma of roasted spices. It is a far cry from the one I normally use, my Mum's garam masala, whose flavor profile veers towards North India. Most Indian chefs use their preferred mixed masalas. So this bottle is a no surprise, a blend of spices that I haven't encountered before, and yet achingly familiar. Some people can suss out ingredients from a whiff or a taste. Not me, my nose and palate just appreciate the aromatic flavors.  

I make a simple side. Pan-roasted cauliflower florets are seared with very little oil. Then dusted with chile powder and Floyd's fragrant garam masala. Garnished with fresh cilantro. Dal, rice and roti complement the everyday meal with out of the ordinary seasonings.


Serves 4

1 large Cauliflower

2 tablespoons Canola Oil

1/2-1 teaspoon Chile Powder

1 teaspoon Floyd Cardoz's Garam Masala

1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt


Cut cauliflower into small florets.

Heat oil in a saucepan, preferably nonstick.

Add florets to hot oil and stir well to coat.

Cover the saucepan and let florets cook. Stir often till florets acquire a golden brown color and are cooked.

Uncover saucepan and dust florets with chile powder, garam masala and salt.

Saute florets uncovered for a few minutes, allowing spices to blossom.

Garnish with cilantro.

Serve as part of an Indian meal, with dal, rice and roti. Or any way you like.


  1. I want to know benefits of Garam masala so i was searching blogs related to Garam Masala then I cam to your post.

    Thanks for sharing such a nice blog post. Great job keep it up.
